Community > Message Board

Message Board #01

Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!

All Messages
Goober 2023-10-20 05:49:24


Goobermeister1 2023-10-20 05:49:07


Goobermeister56 2023-10-20 05:48:41

You die because a cat on the street didn’t wanna be pet and you got so sad, but when you leave for first time in little bit anvil fall on you.

Goobermeister55 2023-10-20 05:44:32

From what

Goobermeister56 2023-10-20 05:44:18

Of course G.

Goobermeister55 2023-10-20 05:43:52

Does that mean I die in the future

Goobermeister56 2023-10-20 05:43:36

I’m the future version of you!

Goobermeister55 2023-10-20 05:43:14


Goobermeister56 2023-10-20 05:43:04

So you know Gandalf right?

Zoey 2023-10-19 10:29:05

> [477]
Thank you! PHP and MySQL!

coffeebug 2023-10-19 09:40:33

cool website! HOW DID YOU DO ThE BOARD

Goobermeister55 2023-10-18 06:38:16

I am become goobermeister55

Zoey 2023-10-17 05:13:53

> [474]
A meister! the 55th one to be exact.

Goobermeister55 2023-10-17 03:44:19

> [473]
A meister??

Zoey 2023-10-16 07:00:12

A goober!

Goobermeister55 2023-10-16 06:13:50


James / Jamination 2023-10-15 11:10:59

Or maybe it's just: jamez1611
Idk discord has gotten weird with usernames.

Zoey 2023-10-15 09:29:29

> [467]
Oops! Your tag didn’t work, I assume it’s because tag discriminators don’t work anymore. Could you try again?

Goobermeister55 2023-10-15 08:53:07

the j

James / Jamination 2023-10-15 04:19:01

> [465]

I just checked and Heartbound still isn't released LMAO, the last dev stream I watched was at least a year back, now they stream Baldur's Gate 3 all the time. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised you remember me, our friendship almost seems as if it were from a past life; my hair is down to my SHOULDERS now XD.
You screaming "JAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMEEEEESSSSS" definitely brought back a few memories!

I still have your DM's open although it's a the bottom of Discord. I tried messaging through that initially but you have stranger's messaged turned off, which is understandable.

Anyway, feel free to re-add me whenevs' innit fam :)
