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Message Board #01

Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!

All Messages
Zoey 4 months ago

Hello hello! Doing okay myself. And you?

Angel 4 months ago

Hihi!! again lol hope you all are fine!

Zoey 5 months ago

> [728]
Thank you! I remember you from Sheezy. Nice to see you again!!

Sorry about my dead page... Not too long ago, I renewed my old domain so that it forwards to the old website. That way old visitors can still access it and can also see the updated version.

Imorb 5 months ago

I'm so excited to see this page! I checked back on your site when I saw sheezy was coming back and was sad to see your old page was dead. Keep up the good work Zoey!💕

Zoey 5 months ago


Angel 5 months ago

Hiya everyoneeee

Animasi Raihan 5 months ago


classico 5 months ago

> [721]
good to know you're doing well!

ty for the recommendations btw

Zoey 5 months ago

> [720]
It's so weird thinking that 2020 was 4, almost 5, years ago. Time is going so fast and I can't keep up.

Feels like one minute I'm in my first year of Highschool, drawing, animating, and playing Minecraft to pass the time to now being graduated with a job and soon to be moving into my own place within the next couple months. Given everything goes well. Of course, I still do all of the hobbies I previously stated above just more focused on Drawing and Programming.

From what I know, I think independent stores is what you're looking for; something like Etsy. It's focused on allowing artists to sell their own handmade products and usually don't profit off of others (Although not to say that it's not there, just not as common). Whereas a website like RedBubble doesn't give a hoot if you steal unless it's copyright infringement.

classico (aka: classic guy) 5 months ago

hi zoey!

i swear, life has moved wayyyy too fast ever since the pandemic started lol. one moment i'm in my bedroom playing minecraft when i was supposed to be paying attention to a zoom class, next thing you know i'm in my second year of college and working part-time as IT for my university, and about to visit california in like one week. the world is chaotic and life is sometimes overwhelming but i hope you're doing okay! half a decade has gone by since i made that minecraft video which feels crazy to me

btw silly question, do you know like a good website where i can buy cool stickers that don't profit off of stolen art?

Angel 6 months ago

Hiya all!

Brayden 6 months ago

> [716]
Okay, thanks for telling me on how to do these! I took notes just to know what i should start off with.
Thank you Zoey! I'll message you anytime anywhere whenever I feel like I wanna talk to you. :)

Zoey 6 months ago

> [715]
Hi Brayden! Good to see you again.

1. I made this website using HTML, CSS, Javascript and for the server-side aspects I used PHP and MySQL. The latter two are not particularly for beginners but I do think anybody can learn HTML and CSS if they put themselves to it.

I recommend Neocities to learn about creating your own website with HTML/CSS. They have a small tutorial teaching the basics. The rest can be learned through Google. There’s no shame in using third-party resources if you want to create a chatbox like this.

2. I didn’t learn anything in high school to learn website creation. It was a lot of Googling, StackOverflow and looking at source code.

I don’t mind you commenting, I like talking on here :]
And I’m sorry that I haven’t gotten to you too much, life has gotten busy. Especially with work. You’re always free to talk to me on DC!

BJB 6 months ago

Hello Zoey! It's Brayden here, it's been a while since I talked you or heard of you for a while, been focus on life.

1.) I just wanted to ask a comment here because I have a Q&A on how do I make a website line like this where people could have fun & explore further?

2.) Another one is what did you take from high school in order to accomplish this?

If you have a chance to message me either on DC, messages, or here. I will gladly keep note on how to attempt this in order to get started in my college years.

Sorry for commenting here, I just wanna say hello again because I kinda feel like I haven't been around talking much towards you for a few months past. But hey, theres alot of life that we people gotta accomplish in order to get things done.

Angel 6 months ago

> [713]
True! Tysm!

Zoey 6 months ago

> [711] [712]
I learned anatomy through figure drawings using images on a website I can't remember the name of. Give different stuff a shot, you'll improve that way.

Angel 6 months ago

Sometimes i want to try other stuff than sonic haha

Angel 6 months ago

> [710]
i wonder how to draw humans actually a friend of mine said using anaromy art books but most are taken down from

Zoey 6 months ago

> [709]
Not a lot, but a few times I have.

Angel 6 months ago

Heya again, a question do you use references a lot when you make art zoey?
