Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!
Hey Zoey, long time know seen hasnt it? I wanted to tell you happy new year & a late happy christmas day! I am very proud of you what you have done to this website so far, including the video's you made onto YouTube, which I DIDN'T known! I really like some of those video's I watched, made me laugh in joy! I even commented on one of them, I hope I didnt mean to share much onto it tho? Goodnight! <] zzz... BJB
Does playing Skate 3 count?
zoey do u skate i skate i wanna know if u can shred
Its ok
> [547] With my upmost respect, I think I'd like to keep this board in English. My apologies!
Can I use Indonesian Language?
> [545] exactly!
Maybe time is a construct of human perception!
> [543] the time itself isn't real, we are living in a simulation jk it's uhhhh Adventure Time!
What time is it now?
> [541] Oh REALLY? Prove it! Nothing much happened.
I, the original goobermeister, have defeated all the clones of myself. Anyways what happened while I was asleep
> [539] TYSM:D
Merry Christmas to you, Dashy!
Merry Christmas peeps!
Oh sorry
My birthday was over 3 weeks ago-
Happy birthaday zoey
What day is it now?