Community > Message Board

Message Board #01

Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!

> All Messages
Angel 2024-05-03 11:50:33

Good day to you people! How are you all?

Angel 2024-04-26 07:44:25

> [634]
Awww thanks very much!

Zoey 2024-04-25 02:49:08

> [633]
No problem, I’m flattered you named your name after mine :] Very adorable!
It’s really cool you found a name you really like. Angel is such a nice name.

Angel 2024-04-24 12:50:22

> [632]
well tysm! but i think i can say i can't choose a name lmao, i once went by zach (yes i was jealous lmfao, btw sorry if that offended you) because i liked that name a lot then it kinda became eh, so then i decided to think and came up with angel! it sounds cool and not so common so i just love it sm

Zoey 2024-04-23 01:26:14

> [630]
I knew what you were, it's all good! Feel free to go by any name you wish.

Angel 2024-04-23 06:01:28

> [629]
And btw tysm:D

Angel 2024-04-23 06:00:54

> [629]
Yk me, it was dashy and before DashZick, i am struggling to find a persona really and i have no idea so i am.just gonna go by angel here but if we had handles i would go with dasheewashee but for now i just preffered to be called as Angel!

Zoey 2024-04-22 11:49:47

Hiya Marxie and Angel!
Angel is a nice name, by the way.

Angel 2024-04-22 02:54:46

hiiiiiiii cool people!!!

Marxie in schooo again 2024-04-19 08:50:20

I am once again writing this from a school computer, how's everyone doing?

Zoey 2024-04-15 01:04:46

Hello, I am writing this from my bedroom!

Marxie in da schooo 2024-04-15 09:11:11

helloooo ZOEY. i am writing this from a school computer because this class is so unfathomably boring.

Goobermeister55 2024-04-14 08:47:20

I heard coppa increases your blood viscosity.

Zoey 2024-04-13 06:59:45

Next time you have a dream, you should try Coppa. Tastes like lead.

Goobermeister55 2024-04-13 03:11:12

yea, had some good dream food, like Krwie, Lagahep, and Araul.

Zoey 2024-04-13 02:02:24

Did you enjoy your hibernation for the winter?

Goobermeister55 2024-04-13 01:35:51

I have awoken from hibernation

Zoey 2024-04-13 07:17:42

Mr. Goober!!

Goobermeister55 2024-04-12 02:17:02

Guess who’s baaaaaack

Animasi Raihan 2024-04-07 10:11:08

Γεια σου
