Community > Message Board

Message Board #01

Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!

> All Messages
galactica 2023-05-06 03:11:31


Zoey 2023-05-05 08:52:46

Redid the Music Player. I also found the original dates to each of the tracks! I plan to make illustrations for each track soon enough.

Zoey 2023-05-02 10:43:13

Thank you!

Shiloh 2023-05-01 01:54:37

Nice website!

Drewey 2023-04-30 06:22:36

It's fine Zoey:P
Glad to see you well regardless.

DashZick 2023-04-30 02:18:21

np drewey:)

Zoey 2023-04-29 07:41:52

> [273]
I am a golden god!

> [271]
I'm not too comfortable giving my discord out to the public, at the moment. I apologize.

Drewey 2023-04-29 05:10:50

Ah, it's okay, thanks Dash.

DashZick 2023-04-29 03:29:49

zoey got famous :o and and drewey iirc she said discord is open for friends only:(

Haminations 2023-04-29 04:46:49

im gonna put u in the next vid on my chanel :)

Drewey 2023-04-27 08:46:28

Heck yea!
How do I contact you tho Zoey? I'd ask about Discord but I dunno how to go about it.

Zoey 2023-04-26 08:11:03

> [269]
Yes! Thank you!

> [267]
I wouldn't mind. Always down for a chat any time.

Mia ( 2023-04-24 01:19:38

Made a bit more progress, i see! looking good so far :)

Raymundo 2023-04-23 05:58:22


Drewey 2023-04-23 03:44:51

Oh that's a relief tbh, I was kinda worried where you were tbh cause I wanted to chat again, if you are somehow cool with that.

Also congrats on being who you are Zoey:D

Zoey 2023-04-23 02:19:43

> [265]
I remember you! We talked a bit some time ago.

Drewey 2023-04-22 06:46:29

Damn been a while, hope all is well however.
Sorry if my name ain't familiar.

galactica 2023-04-22 10:26:20

also, after 2 years, still not used to tom's voice, the voice actor is cool tho

Zoey 2023-04-20 07:17:10

> [261]
I like it! Although has an uncomfortable lack of music

DashZick 2023-04-20 05:21:26

hey zoey! i just got paid for my first comm with sonic mania!!
