Community > Message Board

Message Board #01

Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!

> All Messages
Kinzo 2023-02-28 03:23:40

hello there! I am glad you were doing well ^-^

Zoey 2023-02-27 08:29:50

Good to hear from you, nurse!

Nurseguy55ster2 2023-02-27 07:44:22

hii its been a while :)

Zoey 2023-02-26 11:25:07

Those are some familiar names!! I was wondering how you all were. I'm not doing too bad myself, thank you!

Lowke 2023-02-25 11:43:31

Dunno if you remember me too (Lucky from 2018) we were going down memory lane and found this and hope you are doing well!

vivian 2023-02-25 11:42:41

Hi!! Its ithinkianimate if you remember me!! Hope your doing well!

Maraidan 2023-02-25 11:41:42


snowy 2023-02-25 11:41:25


aLoOyA 2023-02-25 11:35:55


Marxie 2023-02-24 07:57:44

Good job :>

Zoey 2023-02-24 07:57:43


Marxie 2023-02-24 07:57:33

Yup, that looks fixed!

Marxie 2023-02-24 07:57:18

"Look at me, i'm a quote!"
-Quote cave story

Zoey 2023-02-24 07:55:42

I believe I fixed the bug where you couldn't use 'apostrophes' in messages. I can finally sleep at night.

Zoey 2023-02-24 07:50:03

Seems like some people are sending blank messages by going to the "Add Comment" page. Should be fixed now! That was annoying.

Zoey 2023-02-22 10:10:13


Mujii 2023-02-22 08:28:24

The quadratic formula will not save you-

Cedrin 2023-02-22 08:00:06

Id love to be archived

Zoey 2023-02-21 07:57:26

If anyone has objections or would not like to be on the archived page, just say the word.

Zoey 2023-02-21 07:56:57

Im thinking of archiving this chat on my boards on my site once it goes live. Alongside the non-user submitted messages that are already on boards in the old website. Probably in a separate HTML file for everyone to read. Not sure yet though.
