Community > Message Board

Message Board #01

Please stay on topic. Try not to send too many messages. Any spam or unnecessary comments will be deleted. If you have sent a comment that you would like deleted and have contact with me, let me know. Have fun!

All Messages
Drewey 1 week ago

I hope this doesn't come off as a random post, but I've been wanting to chat more ig, if somehow that's not possible i get it.

We've just used to chat here and there and I thought you seemed quite chill so hey, whatever works ig.

But yeah how ya doin otherwise?

Zoey 2 weeks ago

> [789]
Didn’t get past the meteor scene in Earthbound

Mince 2 weeks ago

random but what are ye thoughts on the earthbound/mother series?

Zoey 3 weeks ago

> [786]
You’re welcome!

> What prompted you to come up with that idea? Have you dealt with a previous spam attack
Unfortunately yes, lulz. I’ve had spam bots come in my message board spamming porn links seemingly every other day. Take a wild guess on what country they came from.

The issue was wanting to make this message board as anonymous as possible but still prevent spam. CAPTCHA’s weren’t going to cut it, it sucks to have to force people to verify they’re human because some nosey bots ruined it for people. I looked around online and that was what I came up from my research. Not 100% effective, but the best one I found for my needs.

Feel free to use it yourself!

> My site isn't up yet, but it's nearing completion (well, hopefully... last 10% of a project ends up taking 90% of the time lol)
Feel that way too hard...

kztcaliber 3 weeks ago

> [785]
It all makes perfect sense! Thanks for explaining. I've learned a ton over the past few months about backend setup.

As far as htmlspecialchars, I've not heard about it but I'll definitely look into it. Like I said, my site doesn't have any injection vulnerabilities (from my limited testing, at least) but it couldn't hurt to have another safeguard on top of it.

That hidden form idea is honestly genius. I might have to steal that... lol. From my SQL injection tests, the bot did in fact fill out every form. What prompted you to come up with that idea? Have you dealt with a previous spam attack on this (or another) site of yours?

My site isn't up yet, but it's nearing completion (well, hopefully... last 10% of a project ends up taking 90% of the time lol)

I'll be sure to share it once I get to a good point.

Zoey 3 weeks ago

> [784]
I prevent SQL Injections and spam in two respective ways. The host doesn't prevent spam, it's all backend.

> SQL Injection
First and for most, use the htmlspecialchars global function, you can use the function on your name/message variables, but I prefer to use it on the forms action attribute. It converts special characters into HTML entities. It also helps prevent any SQL Injections or any malicious HTML or Javascript code from being executed. Super handy!

> Spam prevention
To prevent spam from bots is a combination of the above and a hidden verification system. It's assumed that bots will fill out the entire form to prevent any errors (say, if not putting a name in returns an error.) So what I did was make a hidden verification system inside the form. If someone (in this case, a bot) fills out that system, it will quietly not send. You can actually see the verify input in the source code.

I hope this made sense? Please share your website. I'd love to check it out and comment on it!

kztcaliber 3 weeks ago

> [738]
Howdy gangsters,
Being in college has really slowed down my progress on my blogfolio but I've gotten quite far. I'm kind of modeling it after this site, with an m-board and all. The messageboard has taken up the majority of my focus and is by far the most fleshed out part of the site. However there are some security concerns that I'd like to ask you about.

I've tested SQL injection possibilities and, while there's no such vulnerabilities, every time i've done it i'm left with like hundreds of messages on the messageboard all containing fragmented SQL garble.

How do you prevent such spam attacks? Or does your host automatically prevent any access to the site that's not from a legitimate browser?

Once again it's always refreshing to peep the whole scene (site) here.

Have a good frickin day.

Zoey 1 month ago

> [782]
Thank you!

Clre 1 month ago

your animations back then inspired me 2 improve at drawing and stuff, your shit rocks, hope you have been well. ^w^

Zoey 1 month ago

> [780]

Angel 1 month ago

idk but something about scott pilgrim style is so dang cute! Which is why got me interested in art after seeing your old animations

Zoey 1 month ago

> [778]
Eddsworld and Scott Pilgrim mixed together, for sure! Up until I tackled on a new art style a few years ago.

I didn't really use any references for Eddsworld and Scott Pilgrim. It was a lot of observation on how both creators draw their characters.

Angel 1 month ago

I have a question, i can't really remember did i ask this before but did you use an artstyle of eddsworld or scott pilgrim animated mixed but then made a unique style later on? And what references you prefer for scott pilgrim style?

Angel 1 month ago

Hello! Again and again! And again! Hope you all are fine!

Zoey 1 month ago

> [775]
You're welcome! Hope you had fun!

Kovi 1 month ago

Ive been playing a lot of cave story lately I got into it during December of last year and it's been the first time I've genuinely been invested in a game in a long while and I have you to thank for it because of your art! THANK YOU!!!

Zoey 2 months ago

Dwi and Demit 2 months ago

Hello! :)

Zoey 2 months ago

> [770]
It's alright, I don't mind getting asked questions.

> what software and brushes do you use for your art? (both pixel and non pixel)
Paint Tool SAI. I use the built-in Pencil tool, stabilizer at 0, and brush size usually around the 3 pixel mark. For pixel art, I use Aseprite.

> where did you learn pixel art from, any websites or specific tutorials you'd recommend?
I've done pixel art for a long time, but I got the initial inspiration to do pixel art from Studio Pixel. His website is [link]. He made Cave Story.

I learned many of my pixel art techniques from a pixel artist by the name of Saint11. They did the pixel art for Celeste. They have lots of tutorials on their website [link].

Everything else is self-taught.

> which version of cave story do you like the most?
Nintendo Switch, for sure! I wish it had some of the features of older versions but it is definitely the definitive.

You're welcome, thank you for enjoying my stuff.

minceraft 2 months ago

Hi Zoey! I have a few extremely generic questions to ask you if you don't mind.

1) what software and brushes do you use for your art? (both pixel and
non pixel)

2) where did you learn pixel art from, any websites or specific tutorials
you'd recommend?

and here's a random one 3) which version of cave story do you like the

hopefully that isn't a lot
i've been a big fan of your stuff since about late 2019 or so and i still
continue to find your work inspiring to this day from your animations to art so thank you!
